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Kate Robson

Kate Robson

Assistant Artist Manager


Worldwide general management with Askonas Holt

About Asmik

“One of the fiercest dramatic talents in the field” (The New York Times), Lithuanian soprano Asmik Grigorian’s “versatility is astounding” (The Times) with a “wild voice [that is] rich and dark” (Le Monde). Regularly engaged at the world’s leading opera houses, she has recently performed at the Wiener Staatsoper, Metropolitan Opera, the Salzburger Festspiele, the Royal Opera House, London and Teatro alla Scala.

Asmik works with many of the world's leading conductors including Franz Welser-Möst, Yves Abel, Vladimir Jurowski, Mikhail Tatarnikov, Alan Gilbert. Asmik frequently collaborates with top stage directors including Dmitri Tcherniakov, Romeo Castellucci, and Claus Guth.

She was a founding member of Vilnius City Opera, has twice been awarded the Golden Stage Cross (the highest award for singers in Lithuania), was named Best Female Lead in 2019 at the Austrian Music Theater Awards, and was named Female Opera Singer of the Year in 2022 by the Ópera XXI Association. She won Opus Klassik's 2023 Female Singer of the Year in recognition of her acclaimed debut album Dissonance with pianist Lukas Geniuơas and, in 2024, received the Grand Jury Prize at the Austrian Music Theatre Awards.

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Worldwide general management with Askonas Holt

Season Highlights

Sep 2024 - Oct 2024
Vienna State Opera
Verdi's Don Carlo (Elisabetta) Philippe Jordan (Conductor) Kirill Serebrennikov (Director)
Nov 2024 - Dec 2024
Teatro di San Carlo, Naples
Dvoƙák's Rusalka (title role) Dan Ettinger (Conductor) Dmitry Tcherniakov (Director) Orchestra and Chorus of the Teatro di San Carlo
Nov 2024
Teatro Real, Madrid
Concert featuring works by Glinka, Puccini and Verdi. Henrik NĂĄnĂĄsi (Conductor) Orchestra of the Teatro Real Madrid

Selected Repertoire

BartĂłkBluebeard's Castle (Judith)
BelliniNorma (title role)
BergWozzeck (Marie)
CileaAdriana Lecouvreur (in preparation)
Dargomyzhsky Rusalka (title role)
DvoƙákRusalka (title role)
GiordanoFedora (title role)
JanáčekThe Makropoulos Case (Emilia Marty)   ‱   Jenufa   ‱   Cunning Little Vixen (title role)   ‱   Kátya Kabanová ( in preparation)
KorngoldDie tote Stadt
ProkofievThe Gambler
PucciniMadama Butterfly   ‱   Suor Angelica   ‱   La rondine   ‱   Manon Lescaut   ‱   
R. StraussElektra (Chrysothemis)   ‱   Salome
RubensteinThe Demon
TchaikovskyEugene Onegin (Tatiana)   ‱   The Enchantress   ‱   Mazeppa   ‱   Queen of Spades (Liza)
VerdiOtello (Desdemona)   ‱   Don Carlo (Elisabeth)   ‱   Il Trovatore (Leonora)



  • Rusalka

    Teatro di San Carlo
    Nov 2024
    • È spigliata, capricciosa, vibrante, tenerissima e dolente,come in quella sua delicatissima invocazione alla luna (Měsíčku na nebi hlubokĂ©m) che rivela in lei il corpo unico,potente e morbido al contempo, di parola e musica, lafluiditĂ  impressionante con cui trasforma in emissione divelluto difficoltĂ  e passaggi lungo l’intera, ampiaestensione, l’amalgama speciale di colore ed espressione,le espansioni luminosissime all’acuto [ translated] She is lively, capricious, vibrant, very tender and sorrowful, as in her very delicate invocation to the moon (Měsíčku na nebihlubokĂ©m) which reveals in her the unique body, powerful and soft at the same time, of word and music, the impressive fluidity with which she transforms into velvet emission difficulties and passages along the entire, wide extension, the special amalgam of colour and expression, the very luminous expansions in the high notes.

    • La parte musicale ha riscosso un grande, meritato successo: Asmik Grigorian ha offerto un’interpretazione luminosa ed emotivamente profonda di Rusalka, combinando brillantezza tecnica e vulnerabilitĂ  piena di pathos. La sua esecuzione della Canzone alla Luna Ăš stata uno dei momenti salienti, dimostrando la sua capacitĂ  di incantare con la voce e una presenza magnetica, anche se immobile come le era richiesto nel riquadro che la ospitava. [Translated] The musical part was a great, deserved success: Asmik Grigorian offered a luminous and emotionally deep interpretation of Rusalka, combining technical brilliance and pathos-filled vulnerability. Her performance of the Song to the Moon was one of the highlights, demonstrating her ability to enchant with her voice and a magnetic presence, even if immobile as was required in the frame that hosted her.

    • Il soprano Asmik Grigorian risolve la parte di Rusalka con un linguaggio melodico intriso di drammatica maturitĂ . Voce teatralmente «accogliente» e morbida, soprattutto quando sfocia in un seducente e romantico sentimentalismo e in un lirismo carico d’affetto (come accade nell’aria lunare dell’Atto I). Vanta, dunque, una voce cromaticamente variegata – caratterizzata da un’interessante polivalenza drammatica, che garantisce all’attrice-cantante di restituire appropriatamente anche la disperazione d’una creatura acquatica costretta in un non-corpo che detesta. Un mirabile dinamismo vocale, determinato da omogeneitĂ  d’emissione e purezza stilistica. [Translated] Asmik Grigorian solves the part of Rusalka with a melodic language imbued with dramatic maturity. A theatrically "welcoming" and soft voice, especially when it flows into a seductive and romantic sentimentality and a lyricism full of affection (as happens in the lunar aria of Act I). She boasts, therefore, a chromatically varied voice - characterized by an interesting dramatic versatility, which allows the actress-singer to appropriately convey even the desperation of an aquatic creature forced into a non-body that she detests. A wonderful vocal dynamism, determined by homogeneity of emission and stylistic purity.

    • Asmik Grigorian, come si usa dire nel gergo calcistico per definire un top player, “fa reparto da sola”: Ăš un’artista dall’intenso carisma scenico; fa teatro anche con il piĂč misurato e apparentemente insignificante gesto o postura, perfino quando - come in gran parte dell’atto II - Ăš muta: a parlare sono gli sguardi, i silenzi, l’accartocciarsi in se stessa. E fa teatro, e soprattutto emana fascino e voluttĂ , quando nel corso del canto alla luna, magnificamente interpretato, si accarezza sinuosamente e lentamente i capelli. Cantante-attrice/attrice-cantante, Asmik Grigorian: impossibile nel suo caso scindere i due aspetti, comprendere quanto il canto benefici del magnetismo della presenza scenica e quanto l’interpretazione musicale, l’uso raffinatissimo della tecnica di emissione piegata alle piĂč minuziose intenzioni espressive, sia derivante dal carisma di attrice. La vocalitĂ  di Grigorian - che si giova di un timbro ambrato, di acuti affilati e precisi - Ăš un florilegio di inflessioni, espressioni di un fraseggio profondo e analitico. [Translated] Asmik Grigorian, as they say in football jargon to define a top player, “does the department all by herself”: she is an artist with intense stage charisma; she creates theatre even with the most measured and apparently insignificant gesture or posture, even when - as in much of Act II - she is silent: what speaks are the looks, the silences, the curling up into herself. And she creates theatre, and above all she emanates charm and voluptuousness, when during the magnificently interpreted song to the moon, she sinuously and slowly caresses her hair. Singer-actress/actress-singer, Asmik Grigorian: in her case it is impossible to separate the two aspects, to understand how much the singing benefits from the magnetism of the stage presence and how much the musical interpretation, the extremely refined use of the emission technique bent to the most minute expressive intentions, derives from the charisma of the actress. Grigorian's vocals - which benefit from an amber timbre, sharp and precise high notes - are an anthology of inflections, expressions of a deep and analytical phrasing.

    • Asmik Grigorian delivered a luminous and emotionally profound portrayal of Rusalka, combining technical brilliance with heartfelt vulnerability. Her rendition of the Song to the Moon was a highlight, showcasing her ability to captivate with both voice and magnetic presence.